Friday, July 5, 2013


Hello beauty gurus alike!
I am OliveBeautyBlogger93 :)

     I started out making several beauty videos on Youtube and while that got me some views I figured why not just make a blog.  I figure I can just write about what products and things I want and whoever wants to see it can and maybe it would do better.
     I have just recently gotten into beauty this year and of course I have gone into it full keel.  I used to do dance competitions when I was little and well it made me not really want to wear make up on a daily basis and for years I told myself I would start wearing it every day.  Every school year would be the same: I would wear make up for a few days and then.... well I think you can figure out where it went.  Finally after a break up with my most recent boyfriend it sprang some sort of beauty juice in my brain and well I haven't been able to shake the habit since.
     Now as gross as it may sound I still have some of the makeup from say 5 or 7 years ago and I have gotten rid of most of it (still gross huh?) but there are a few things I have held on to but they are just powders so its not all bad.  Everything else I have now is no more than 6 months old and some products like mascara I have stuck to that 3-6 month rule.  I cannot get enough of this stuff and hope to keep collecting and using and testing out products!
     So to everyone out there I hope someone reads my blog hopefully several people even.  I'm not sure what I will start with first but I'm hopeful this will be fun and insightful too!

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